Super gorgeous brows! Lucky girl |
Oh my god... |
Check out the link at the top for great tips! Don't ever go too short or too thin, trust me. And if you go to a professional once and love how they shaped your brows, then keep plucking the strays that come back to keep the shape. Girls with thick eyebrows, you are lucky, don't complain that they are a pain, and that you have to wax them, or that they grow back too fast, because that is super fortunate! If you mess up, the next few days it'll be back to normal and you can try again! And don't get a shape that will make you look angry, scared, or sad. Also if you have a little amount of eyebrow hair pencil them in so that they look fuller and NEVER EVER shave your eyebrows, or shave them off completely because they won't grow back in the same way and then that means you either go "browless" or you'll have to draw on your brows, and EWW that looks really bad! just saying!
ahaha! I love the pictures!